Be careful what you say to a kid
One of the boys in my class has long hair that is usually in corn rows, but
today it was in a ponytail.... But the ponytail came loose and soon there
was hair everywhere, "Don King style."
So I started calling him Don King instead of his name. Like, "Get back in
your seat Don King!" It was all in good fun, the kids laughed every time I
said it, and I love the kid and didn't mean any harm.
Unfortunately, when my boss came into the room he yelled out to her "She
keeps calling me DONKEY!" I turned beet red. My boss must thing I am
verbally abusive.
About Raj, so yeah he might be a sell-out to the South Asian community. But
the reason I like him is for his momentum. He doesn't dwell on anything and
bounces back quickly. Come on, he hit on Trump's secretary immediately after
getting fired. I really respect that.
What was that saying again? "When life throws you oranges, make orange