Sunday, November 21, 2004

The best sandwich in America?

In September, Maxim magazine named "The Fat Darrell" America's best sandwich. A very prestigious title for the Rutgers University-originated heart-attack-wrapped-in-foil, yes, but as a cynical ex-journalist I had to see for myself if it was deserved. The old journalist's saying is true "If your mother tells you she loves you, confirm it with at least two people first." So in October, I had the chance to finally confirm it.

What is a Fat Darrell you ask? It's a combination of french fries, mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers and marinara sauce wrapped up in a bun in all of it's 1200-1600 calories, and 65 grams of fatty glory. Being the health concious person I am, I split it with Mush and man oh man...... it was good. I think I even could have handled a whole one. On the down side, the bun was not toasty and crisp, and there was more french fry than mozzarella stick and chicken fingers than I would have liked. Maybe I would have appreciated it's salty goodness more if I was high, or finishing off a night of drinking. And even though it is not the most "sophisticated" sandwich in America, it can be enjoyed by young and old alike..... even in the cappucino and latte-drinking "blue" states. Overall, I give The Fat Darrell an 8.5 on a scale from 1-10.

But to call it the best sandwich in America? Puh-leeze! Have we forgot about the traditional Philly cheese steak's of Pats and Genos? What about Le Bus's "Delhi" with it's chicken in curried mayo, sprouts and boiled egg sandwiched between two toasted pieces of fresh raisin bread? Am I expecting too much sophistication from the predominantly male, sex-crazed, sports-obsessed, pro-war editors of Maxim magazine? In a recent article, the senior editor of Maxim (a woman) even defended the decision by saying "It just has that element of drunken ingenuity that our readers like." Ok, I'll give her that.... it was a great idea and maybe I am sour because I didn't think of it first. Check out some of the other creative names....

Not to get all "High Fidelity" on you, but.....

Here are my top 5 favorite sandwiches:
1. "The Delhi",
2. "The GG Italiano" (vegan cheese steak with roasted garlic, spinach/broccoli),
3. Cheese Whiz Steak,
4. "The Fat Darrell", R.U. Hungry Grill & Pizza, New Brunswick
5. Buffalo chicken and blue cheese sandwich,

Please post a comment if you want to share YOUR favorite sandwich. Tell us where you can get it and maybe price, service and anything else you want to add.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Fly said...

Those are some might sexy hands holding that sandwich. You should make a note that you got the grub from the Greese Trucks...the particular truck name is just for show...since they are all pretty much the same owner.

Anyway, next time I come to philly you gotta treat me to one of these sandwiches on your list.


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