Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I got the job!

After weeks of painful waiting and worrying about what I am doing with my life I finally got some good news. Belmont just offered me a full-time position.... woo hoo!

I am really excited about having summers off. Maybe I can finally go to Australia to visit my cousin like I always wanted.

I was about to give up on Belmont for putting me up on hold for so long, so earlier today I was contacting all these news organizations and shot off an email to the Research Editor at Philadelphia Magazine about being a research assistant.

He wrote back: "If you do send me your resume, you'll also have to send me a copy of My God That's A Sexy Camel!"

Damn it Google! You are ruining my life. I was too mortified to write back.... is it common practice now for employers to Google their applicants? I would like to keep my work life and my personal life separate, but Google is making that difficult. Luckily I got the job offer a few hours later so I didn't have to worry about that.


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