Deodorant Rant
God damn its hot outside.....
So how come they only make deoderant for your pits when there are so many other places on your body that sweat?
Maybe I will invent "deoderant for the whole body" and become a millionaire.
Dear readers, please share your deodorant stories..... Have you ever tried deoderant on other places on your body? Did it work? If I invented such a product, would you buy it?
Deodorant definitely works in other places. I use it in the ... uh ... boobular area, and my sister uses it on the soles of her feet.
I love the "boobular area"...although you lucked out in the sense that I can't even find a goddamn bra size that fits so I end up sweating regardless of the weather. It was a sauna outside. Another reason I can't stand summer weather on the East Coast. I heard its a lot nicer around Arizona-area.
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