Radiohead's Comlag
Am I the last rh fan on Earth to hear this album? Seriously, I feel like I lost major "fan cred." I don't know when it was released, but I didn't hear it till Tuesday when I was sitting at the Green Line Cafe in West Philly.
I could tell Thom Yorke's voice right away, but doubted it could be rh, cuz they are my favorite band and I have every album but never heard that particular recording before. So I asked the barrista who said it was only released in downloadable form and in Japan. And he said the album was Comlag and it was in fact Radiohead.
"WHAAAT?" I leaned over and shouted over music, traffic, conversations and coffee machines. "Comlag" he said quietly, "com, like dotcom and lag (he pauses) like...."
"Like a lag in time." We said this in unison. I looked up at his eyes. "C-O-M-L-A-G" he spelled it out as Thom sang in the background. It was awesome.
Why do underpaid yet knowledgeable barristas with good taste in music have to be so sexy?
Someone's got a cruuuuush... heeee...
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