Lord of the Rings!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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On my planet, everyone has a 3-minute attention span. So it was hard to adjust to Earth, where beings retain thoughts for long periods. I graduated from an institution where beings sat in front of rectangular plastics and attended meetings where an older being spoke in front of younger, dirtier ones. For fun, they consumed alcohol, shook in crowded, humid rooms and touched each other's privates. Luckily, I work with smaller beings now, who have the same attention span as me.
Ok so according to your test the 'power rangers' is my scene. I don't exactly get why, but the really scary thing is, its not the first time I've heard this. I went to a commedy club a few years back, the commedy cellar on bleeker street in the city (sorry love, philly is not the city) and the comic refered to me as the black power ranger and the rest of my friends in similar fashion. All I can say is I must be destined to save the world! ok maybe not. That's alot of work. The world needs alot of saving. OK well goodnite, im passing out now. peace!
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